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Would You Like to Increase Revenue from Collecting Societies?

Beiträge: 75
Registriert: Do 7. Mär 2019, 13:04

Would You Like to Increase Revenue from Collecting Societies?

Beitragvon FrankRT » Fr 17. Jan 2025, 11:32

Habt ihr auch diese Mail bekommen und habt ihr teilgenommen ?

"Would you like to increase your revenue from Collecting Society payments?

Alamy currently works with several Collecting Societies on your behalf to claim royalty payments on secondary uses of your images. We pay you 50% of commission of the funds awarded. You may have already received payments related to the work we do with ASCRL and other Collecting Societies.

We now have the opportunity to apply for a greater share of the royalty payments, which you can benefit from by sharing your date of birth with us. This is a new administrative requirement of some of the funders, including ASCRL, who want this additional information so they can identify copyright owners more easily.

If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, you’ll need to fill out the form here:"

VG. Frank

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Heiko Küverling
Beiträge: 1534
Registriert: Mo 6. Mär 2017, 17:08

Re: Would You Like to Increase Revenue from Collecting Societies?

Beitragvon Heiko Küverling » Fr 17. Jan 2025, 14:45

Ja natürlich. Das lief sonst automatisch.

Beiträge: 75
Registriert: Do 7. Mär 2019, 13:04

Re: Would You Like to Increase Revenue from Collecting Societies?

Beitragvon FrankRT » Fr 17. Jan 2025, 19:10

Hallo Heiko, danke für die Info.


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